During the COVID 19 crisis our wonderful wardens have continued to help and support their residents in any way they can, practically and personally. We are very relieved to report that presently, we have had no COVID 19 cases on any site.
Although people are understandably keen to be back in regular contact with their families and friends, we will continue to discourage external visitors or callers unless essential, as this stance does seem to have been effective thus far in keeping our residents and staff safe. Our advisory signs at all sites will therefore remain in place for the time being.
All property moves were suspended on Government advice for the lockdown, but when we get the go ahead, we have several new residents ready to take up their new homes. This should bring us back up to near full occupancy again.
In the meantime, here is a lovely photo of Penny’s Hospital, taken by a resident last weekend in the early evening sunshine.

Many best wishes,
Yvonne Kent